Commit ac87abd2 by zhangchen


parent f8d91bf0
......@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ public class UserController {
return "system/UserInfoDetail";
@RequestMapping(value = "/deleteUserVoucher/{uid}/{vid}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@RequestMapping(value = "/deleteUserVoucher/{uid}/{vid}/{loginUserName}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String deleteUserVoucher(HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable("vid") Integer vid,
@PathVariable("uid") String uid, RedirectAttributes attrs) {
boolean result = userService.deleteUserVoucher(uid,vid);
@PathVariable("uid") String uid, @PathVariable("loginUserName") String loginUserName, RedirectAttributes attrs) {
boolean result = userService.deleteUserVoucher(uid,vid,loginUserName);
String message = result ? "删除抵用券成功!" : "删除抵用券失败!";
attrs.addFlashAttribute(FlashMessageDirective.FLASH_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, message);
return "redirect:/system/user/" + uid + "/detailByUid";
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